Refining – TUPRAS

The award is part of the ICO2NIQ (Innovative Electrochemical CO2 Conversion to Versatile Feedstock) project, which launches in January 2025 and is a €14 million project within the Process4Plant partnership of the Horizon programme. As part of the project Cool Planet will deploy a 10,000 tonnes per year capacity CO2 capture plant employing its advanced membrane technology to TUPRAS’ Izmit refinery in Turkey. From January 2027 this plant will deliver CO2 to a group of companies that will jointly deploy their innovative technologies to convert the captured CO2 into valuable commercial feedstock for a variety of uses.
This project will see the first deployment of Cool Planet’s 4th Generation membrane module. The 4th Generation modules will be optimised for automated mass production and will have twice the capture capacity of the current 3rd Generation modules, making the already compact technology even smaller whilst further reducing costs. The new modules will be utilised for Cool Planet’s upcoming projects up to mega-tonne per annum scale and will use membrane manufactured by Cool Planet in a new production facility.
The ICO2NIC project has received funding from the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme Ref: 101177459.